This one is a blood boiler. The CEO of Auto-nation which owns over 300 car dealerships and has reported lower than expected earnings has stated (and who asked for his opinion anyway?) " that he thinks we need higher gasoline taxes" I assume that he thinks this will scare people into buying his cars to get better gas mileage.
I personally will not set foot on an auto-nation lot till this idiot is gone , which buy the way if they hadn't paid him his huge paycheck they probably would have met there expectations of earnings.
He wants people too pay higher taxes they cant afford so the get mad and buy a new car they also cant afford ,what a dirt bag. This numskull elitist thinks Britians $6 a gallon gas is a good thing.
A Congressional panel just came to the same stupid conclusion but for the reason that we need bridges and highway repairs. Funny what have they done with all the money we pay now in gas taxes and road taxes , probably diverted the funds to pay for pork barrel pet projects that have little to do with roads like a $200,000,000 bridge in Alaska going to somewhere nobody needs to go.
Only new tax ill go for is a tax on elitist snobs or a tax on politicians.If we just taxed them $1 every time they say something stupid or waste money the Government budget would get fat in no time.
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