Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas To all and Happy New Year
From Brian

New FBI database of biometric information

The new biometric database called Next Generation Identification Database or NGID will be housed in the FBI building with NCIC, CJIS, IAFIS, NICS, UCR, LEO, APB, and COP. OMG we have some unused letters H, K, M, Q, T, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Come on guys for a Billion dollars you could get inventive and use some of these unused letters.

Well this will cure one problem , we will be able to identify the guy that scans his butt cheeks with the copier now . We can send off to the FBI butt cheek database and find the culprit. Oh well all jokes aside 1 Billion dollars is a lot of money for a computer that will be out of date buy the time it's finished and be George Orwell's worst nightmare.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Joseph Mccarthy was right

After all this time and the lefty wackos in Hollywood whining and posturing . All they have done is prove McCarthy was right . This is just a tribute to the good old days when people called it like they saw it .

The actions of these men have been called a " Witch Hunt" . Well the witches were real. There are more now than ever. People are afraid of not being PC in everything they say and do so they say and do nothing.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

New Texas Pole Tax

Well it seems The State Of Texas has come up with a new tax affectionately dubbed the "pole tax" a $5 per customer tax on patrons of the 150 plus Texas strip clubs. This is not the stupidest thing I ever heard of but its right up there and I guessed correctly before checking that the sponser of the legislation creating this was a woman. An import from Canada named Ellen Cohen living in Houston.

Lets see we need more stupid taxes :

Tax on lawyers : They cause 100% of superfluous lawsuits
Tax on abortion clinics : kill more people than wars every year
Tax on politicians: they cause 100% of the stupid laws and taxes
Tax on hair driers: Secret cause of global warming and make men late when going somewhere with the wife
Tax bath tubs: for causing water pollution
Tax on Canadians that move to Texas and stay
well you get the idea this could go on forever and we would be to broke to pay attention.
Any pole the politicians cant control they wanna tax i guess.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fake Conservatives worse than liberals

Fake conservatives like Giuliani and Mccain are worse than the liberals because they fool the trusting people that believe them to be conservative. And that dilutes the power of the conservatives.

I often wonder if they are plants or just phony people taking advantage of the uninformed. Taking advantage of the uninformed is what politicians do best.

New York Times " Dog and pony show "

The New Your Times has been trying to make people think they were becoming less bias and more truthful in there reporting. Apparently this is not so.

They seem to be starting the same "dog and pony show" in an article about Blackwater Guards killing a dog that was attacking there k-9 bomb sniffing dog . This was a non-story twisted to bring the wrath of animal lovers down on Blackwater and shameful ,even for the Times.

Girlie man John Edwards

John Edwards at an event at Daniel Webster College, featuring recording artists Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne. I am not sure what this is for maybe to distract everyone while so Edwards can work on his hair .
I dont think the burned out socialist drug user is a large voting block but i may be wrong. Does this help him or tarnish his image further ?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Obama thinks drug use not relevant

I suppose its not relevant to him . It is however relevant to us non-drug users. We the people have a perfect right to raise the bar a bit and expect more from the President Of The United States than from the average person . You cant even get a top secret clearance if you have done drugs but you can be president , that should be changed the job should have some requirements .

So Mr Obama I for one wont be wanting you or any drug users in the White House.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Al Gore rants about global warming

Al Gore gets a Nobel prize for his lunatic rantings . His family fortune comes from the worst polluters on the planet and he pretends to be mister Green Guy . Hypocrisy has no limits among the loony left.
We have forgotten the nuts of the 70's saying the planet was cooling and we were headed for an ice age . Same crap different day. Obviously not polluting is good but STOP LYING ABOUT IT YOU FRIGGING IDIOTS!

Danny Glover advocate for communism

Well it seems Danny Glover is making a feeble attempt at becoming the next Michael Moore. He has made what he calls a documentary about 5 Cuban spies. For those unfamiliar with this case these 5 spies were spying inside the United States gathering intelligence for the communist Cuban military and Fidel Castro.

Apparently Danny Glover and some others like Martin Sheen think that this spying is acceptable behavior, at least if it is for a communist government. Well , it is not and the 5 spies are languishing in prison where they belong and hopefully will remain there for some time.

These guys were caught spying in Florida where it is unacceptable behavior not California where it would probably be ignored . It's too bad that they don't arrest some of the west coast spies as well . But then who would make the movies and donate the big bucks to the politicians.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ward Churchill gets award

Well it's the Christmas season and time for Fruitcakes . So i am giving the fruitcake award for 2007 to Ward Churchill .
Some of his accomplishments are being a FAKE native American , plagiarism, copyright infringements, lying pretty much about everything he has ever done , or not done .
He has just generally been a complete dirtbag and even the liberal wackos are distancing themselves from this pond scum.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh please not Greenpeace again.

The environ-mentally challenged peeps at greenpeace have come up with another stupid project. The want to tell people which game console they should buy because PS3 is not Green enough for them .
Where are those French frogmen when you need them.

No gays in Iran ?

This midget lunatic AHMADINEJAD says they have no gays in Iran , well i am not so sure.