The liberal nut job gun grabbers have watched too much television . They always miss the point.
I don't refuse to give up my firearms because of fear of post apocalyptic zombie attack.
I refuse to give up my weapons because once they (they meaning anyone in power to do so) take your weapons , then they are free to TAKE EVERYTHING. and will . Proponents of gun control included Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and Idi Amin just to name a few.
So once again the liberal nut wackos step upon there soapboxes to give there opinions that no one asked for or cares about to tell us that the Second Amendment doesn't say what it says. Well shut up we can read and the founding Fathers weren't in the habit of speaking in riddles so it says what it says .
How is the liberal brain wired that they cant understand groups don't have rights Individuals have rights.