Saturday, November 24, 2007
Christmas presents for our enemies
You heard me correctly. We should take up a collection and buy presents for all of our enemies and our liberal wacko friends. I already know what to give them. We should buy a bunch of cheap Chinese toys for them to chew on when the get frustrated. What do you think?
Economic War against the U.S. whats being done?
Most people who pay attention know we that we are in two wars , the War On Terror a blood and bullets war. This war can and must be won to ensure peace and bring stability to huge areas of the globe. But the outcome wont be noticed much by the average uninformed.
The second war is The Economic War being waged by our enemies and i am thinking some of our supposed friends may be involved as well. The outcome of this war will effect all of those living in this nation . This war is a secretive group effort to bring down the economy of the United States and turn us into another third world nation, emasculated and unable to defend itself because of economic worries.
I keep expecting to hear what is being done by the Government to stop it or protect us but they remain silent ignoring it hoping that we wont notice it and become alarmed. Why is no one talking about it . Why is nothing being done. Nothing worse than a secret war where you cant keep up with who is winning.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Gun grabbers place hope in Supreme Court
The liberal nut job gun grabbers have watched too much television . They always miss the point.
I don't refuse to give up my firearms because of fear of post apocalyptic zombie attack.
I refuse to give up my weapons because once they (they meaning anyone in power to do so) take your weapons , then they are free to TAKE EVERYTHING. and will . Proponents of gun control included Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and Idi Amin just to name a few.
So once again the liberal nut wackos step upon there soapboxes to give there opinions that no one asked for or cares about to tell us that the Second Amendment doesn't say what it says. Well shut up we can read and the founding Fathers weren't in the habit of speaking in riddles so it says what it says .
How is the liberal brain wired that they cant understand groups don't have rights Individuals have rights.
Global warming nuts are smoking something
What exactly are these nut jobs smoking. I am Talking about Al Gore's global doom and gloom followers ( if they were a conservative group the media would say it's a doomsday cult)
It would seem that a British woman named Tony Vernelli got herself sterilized so she would make a smaller carbon footprint on the Earth.I know what your saying to yourselves . Can we get the rest of these nuts to sterilize themselves ? Probably not.
Liberal News Media is insane
These two loosers are being held by the military for aiding the enemy. Ok now comes the insane part, the liberal news media types all over this country are up in arms. It seems that being a reporter or a photographer is also a license to aid our enemies during wartime. That is what the AP and other liberal idiots want us to think, oh they dont want us to think because if we do we would not buy there crap. The only thing i dont understand is how come the New York Times can aid the enemy with impunity.
Monday, November 19, 2007
New axis of evil Ahmadinejad and Chavez
We were all thinking phony socialist FACIST leaders were a thing of the past , beaten in WWII . Well it seems they have returned, these Hitler Mussolini types admit they hate us and want us destroyed but we are not taking them seriously like we tried to ignore the nazis in WWII . How long can this last. Will we wait until its too late ?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hezbollah infiltrates CIA and FBI.
Former FBI special agent and CIA analyst Nada Nadim Prouty aka Nadia Nadim Al Aouar, 37, admitted searching FBI databases for information on relatives suspected of having ties to Hezbollah, and fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship. (U.S. Marshals Service)
This one should wake some people up that it's not just Mexicans on the border causing problems ( that is a serious problem tho). This is another issue , the Student Visa problem: they come here on a student visa to get foot in the door and arrange fake marrages or just disappear off the grid . Does anyone even know how many people are here on a student visa that are not in school ? Not only are they not in school but my guess is the Government has no clue as to there location . Tell me i am wrong , please.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Communism is alive and well
Well it seems communism is alive and well, living in South America and California . I find it sickening that even (chip off the old block ) Sean Penn would allow himself to be used as a weapon by ememies of the United States. I am disgusted at this elitist snob that thinks he is somehow enlightened and more intelligent than the rest of the world. I am sure the moron actually believes he is some sort of enlightened absolutist that should be able to dictate how we live ( for our own good of course) but is blinded from seeing the truth about those petty tyrants he holds in such high esteem.
Veterans day and I salute you.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Juan Carlos tells Goofy to shut up
Spain's King Juan Carlos telling Hugo Chavez too "Shut up" . Well why didnt we think of that just tell him to shut up .
Pfft , let me know how well that works , i dont think that idiot ever shuts up.
It could be that Chavez nickname in the army " Goofy" is not because he looks goofy ( which he does ) but i think its because he IS GOOFY. Also by the look on the ladys face next to him , his deodorant isnt making it either.
Jerry Yang helps Chinese secret police.
His excuse is , " you have to obey the laws of the land" . This is crap and he should have studied a little history while in college.
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so".
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
AT&T say's " Dont talk bad about us"
AT&T terms of service :Your Service may be suspended or terminated if your payment is past due and such condition continues un-remedied for thirty (30) days. In addition, AT&T may immediately terminate or suspend all or a portion of your Service, any Member ID, electronic mail address, IP address, Universal Resource Locator or domain name used by you, without notice, for conduct that AT&T believes (a) violates the Acceptable Use Policy; (b) constitutes a violation of any law, regulation or tariff (including, without limitation, copyright and intellectual property laws) or a violation of these TOS, or any applicable policies or guidelines, or (c) tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries. Termination or suspension by AT&T of Service also constitutes termination or suspension (as applicable) of your license to use any Software. AT&T may also terminate or suspend your Service if you provide false or inaccurate information that is required for the provision of Service or is necessary to allow AT&T to bill you for Service."
Net Neutrality ? probably wont happen
Let see: AT&T spying for the NSA , Yahoo spying for the Chinese Secret Police, and Google spying on everyone for God knows what reason. The problem with the information age is that too may companies and groups with acronym names gathering information on everything and everyone just in case it may be of value later or to sell this information to others that want the information to use against you or sell you something... in other words MONEY AND POWER the motivating factor behind most things .
Restrictions on the desimination of information on the internet is a double edged sword that goes against what we expect for the internet , freedom of the flow of information . But companies and governments dont enjoy constitutional freedoms because they are not people so the answer is simple. Just restrict the gathering and storage of the information . If you give out information gathered by spying on peoples lives, knowingly or by not protecting your data then you should go to prison. period .
Restrictions on the desimination of information on the internet is a double edged sword that goes against what we expect for the internet , freedom of the flow of information . But companies and governments dont enjoy constitutional freedoms because they are not people so the answer is simple. Just restrict the gathering and storage of the information . If you give out information gathered by spying on peoples lives, knowingly or by not protecting your data then you should go to prison. period .
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